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对比自己的wegene数据与古人类DNA的意义重大。如果您已经的有了原始数据,请上载到GEDmatch(www.gedmatch.com),wegene数据需要先压缩成zip文件。然后在Analyze Your Data->DNA raw data->Admixture (heritage)->Eurogenes->选择Admixture Proportions (With link to Oracle),即可得到您的ANE_K7计算结果。相关的古人类DNA的ANE_k7详细对比请见http://ranhaer.s47-56.myverydz.com/thread-30817-1-1.html 


2016-09-22 • IP属地中国
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12 个回复

wang - 哈佛医学院、德国马普所分子人类学博士后
Ancestral South Eurasian (ASE): this is a really basal cluster that peaks in tribal groups of Southeast Asia. It's probably very similar in some ways to the Ancestral South Indian (ASI) component described by Reich et al. a few years ago.
蓝星旗 - There is no death,there is the Force. [禁言中]
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wang - 哈佛医学院、德国马普所分子人类学博士后
wang - 哈佛医学院、德国马普所分子人类学博士后
wang - 哈佛医学院、德国马普所分子人类学博士后
ISBA7 meeting abstract
Reconstructing population history in East Asia

Chuan-Chao Wang1 ,3, Nadin Rohland1, Shop Mallick1, Longli Kang6, Shi Yan2, Rukesh Shrestha2,
Shaoqing Wen2, Oleg Balanovsky5, Elena Balanovska5, Yuri Bogunov5, Qiongying Deng7, Hongbing
Yao8, Kumarasamy Thangaraj10, Lalji Singh10, Rong Lin9, Wangwei Cai9, Dongna Li9, Ling-Xiang Wang2,
Manfei Zhang2, Lan-Hai Wei2, Alexander Kim1, Pontus Skoglund1, Iosif Lazaridis1, Iain Mathieson1,
Stephan Schiffels3, Wolfgang Haak3, Chris Stringer11, Nick Patterson1, Li Jin2, Alexander N Popov4, Hui
Li2, Johannes Krause3, David Reich1

1 Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 
2 MOE Key Laboratory of Contemporary Anthropology, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai,
3 Department of Archaeogenetics, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena, Germany, 
4 Scientific Museum, Fareastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia, 
5 Vavilov Institute of General Genetics and Research Centre for Medical Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, 
6 Key Laboratory of High Altitude Environment and Gene Related to Disease of Tibet, Ministry
of Education, Tibet University for Nationalities, Xianyang, Shaanxi, China, 
7 Department of Anatomy,Guangxi Medical University, Nanning, Guangxi, China, 
8 Key Laboratory of Evidence Science of Gansu Province, Gansu Institute of Political Science and Law, Lanzhou, Gansu, China, 
9 Department of Biology, Hainan Medical College, Haikou, Hainan, China, 
10 Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology,Hyderabad, India, 
11 Department of Earth Sciences, The Natural History Museum, London, UK

The deep population history of East Asia remains poorly understood compared to that of West Eurasia,
due to the lack of ancient DNA data as well as limited sampling of present-day populations especially
on the Tibetan Plateau and in southern China. We report a fine scale survey of East Asian history based
on genome-wide data from ancient samples in the Amur River Basin, as well as 435 newly reported
individuals from 53 populations. Present-day groups can be broadly classified into highly
differentiated clusters, corresponding to Amur River Basin, Tibetan Plateau, southern natives and Han
Chinese. Populations of the Amur River Basin show a high degree of genetic continuity from seven
thousand years ago until today, and are closely related to the strain of East Asian related ancestry
present in Native Americans. Tibetan Plateau populations are all admixed, deriving about 5%-10% of
their ancestry from an anciently divergent population that plausibly corresponds to the Paleolithic
population on the Plateau, and the remaining part from an ancient population that no longer exists in
unmixed form but that likely corresponds to expanding farmers from the Middle and Upper Yellow
River Basin who also contributed 40-90% of the ancestry of Han Chinese. A total of 10-60% of Han
Chinese ancestry derives from southern Native populations, and we show that the type of southern
Native ancestry that contributed to Taiwan Island Austronesian speakers is most closely related to
present-day speakers of Tai-Kadai languages in southern mainland China.
@wang @田园牧歌








@wang 那王兄怎么解释第二幅图中Tibetan跟Northern Chinese比Yi(彝)和Lahu(拉祜。体质分类上属典型南亚类型)甚至Cambodian跟Northern Chinese还远?
cedre - -----------------------------------------------------------



shuer - 一句话介绍
ocshiwo - f444
按仰韶 大汶口 红山 良渚。。。这样分是不是好一点。
