Mygospel Mygospel - 药理学博士 肾脏病


More interestingly, our results showed that the risk genotypes for IMN development (A/A or A/G for HLA-DQA1 and A/A for PLA2R1) also predict response to immunosuppressive therapy and protection to renal function decline. We speculate that other genetic and environmental factors could contribute to the development of IMN in patients carrying the protective genotypes (G/G for HLA-DQA1 and A/G or G/G for PLA2R1), explaining their low likelihood of response to immunosuppressive treatment
正常的基因型应该是GG 研究中有显著风险的是AA AG 那我这种CT的岂不是和中奖一样😂近6倍的风险 正常人的患病率是百分之10 那我不就是百分之60了……这也太真实了吧🎃
2019-04-20 • IP属地温州 • 发自微基因APP
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