meixiupei2002 meixiupei2002 - I am from Canada 综合讨论组

I am searching for my birth mother

I was born june 20 th somewhere in Guangdong. After few days somebody left me to Wuchuan orphenage. I have been adopted in october 2003 by a Canadian family. I am  14 years old now.  I am very happy with my adopted mother and father but I would like to find my birth mother.   I just want to know if she is the ladie I see every night in my dream.  She is very pretty and tiny as I am. I think she was to young to keep me with her and she is probably the 16 years old daughter of my foster family. 
I just want to say : Mom I love you and I have a beautiful life here in Quebec, Canada.
Mei Xiu Pei
2017-03-01 • IP属地加拿大
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12 个回复

Wuchuan should be 吴川 of Guangdong Province.
It would be a little hard to find your parents through this way, cos very few people have purchased Wegene' products.
I advise you look for help from Wuchuan or Zhanjiang's local media. That would be much useful.
I think it would be a very difficult task because there's simply so many people in China that it would be hard to find the exact records from where you were adopted. Your best, and pretty much your only hope would be to contact the authorities. I am really sorry but I don't think I would be of much help to you. Hope for the best and may your wishes come true.
@meixiupei2002 That user basically says that what you are doing is currently like fishing for a tiny needle in the wide ocean (of course, much bigger than a haystack). He/she suggests that you contact the Chinese Public Security Bureau, find some likely targets in your known birthplace and then use DNA tests to confirm it.

One challenge that you face is that those who put up their children for adoption are unlikely to test their DNA at WeGene compared to the general population in China due to income levels and social pressures. In addition, if your birthmother was very young when she gave birth to you, that might have done in secrecy and she may not want it to be known if she and her current family are “traditional”. In the meantime, some women may start looking for the children they had put up for adoption as the Chinese society evolves. In short, I think it will be a long and arduous journey for you. In the meantime, there are still many years ahead for you, and your effort may eventually pay off.

Good luck!
Good for you to be adopted by a Canadian family. DNA test is still very niche in Asia. Human don't have the right memory when we are infants, so the lady in your dream is only your fantasy. Your birth mother is now living in her new life and maybe don't want to be disturbed by her past. That's nothing but human nature. Please treat your parents in Quebec well, because they saved you and have given you new life. Keeping searching for your birth mother will hurt their feelings.
Good luck to u 
jchildress - Fujian Province - NanPing Xiayang
Review website to register.  Parents who do want to find their children may go there one day.  One day it will be a large database.  Do not get discouraged but realize you are on the beginning of a journey that many will follow. You are the pioneer to the journey of children finding parents and parents finding children.  Some children do not seek these answers and some parents do not seek these answers. You'll have to see if you are one that will match.  If not, that is okay too. good luck my friend.
Hi XiuPei I believe Chinese government local may have the resources and information if they are diligent and keen enough to mobilize their resources and help you. However your quest will be a challenge both for you and Government. Please keep your hope but not to be frustrated.
Hey girl!! I'm Canadian too!!!

meixiupei2002 - I am from Canada
Would you please translate what it is writen below. Thanks everybody!

星尘的孩子 - 一个自负却爱生活的变态
Let me help you to translate @lgimba`s reply

I`m so sorry to hear your story.

It`s just like look for a needle in the ocean. Without the help of the police system data, should not be able to find. There are women data there? Go back to local, to find the suspected person, then do the DNA match, I feel it is more appropriate.
I saw your another post #Is N10b is a commun group among Chinese people#
I`m from Yunnan,and I think maybe it is not like  what you  think that you are from Yunnan
mostly Guangdong is you hometown,I guess your mun maybe a Guangxi or Guangdong ethnic minority
Finally I wish you good luck!Have any questions just @ me,we will help you.
I don't think it is at all necessary to search for your biological mother actively. (It is OK if you found her accidentally, or: passively.) Just my 2 cents.
