微醺的CNTN6基因 综合讨论组

Ethnicity Estimates.

What does the term "French" mean in relation to the WeGene ethnicity estimate? My result is 70% French but I promise you most of my ethnicity is from the British Isles!
2017-03-14 • IP属地澳大利亚
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2 个回复

wang - 哈佛医学院、德国马普所分子人类学博士后
sorry that the WeGene current ancestry estimation is not informative for Europeans.
WeGene mostly caters towards us Chinese, we don't have a large enough database of non-East / Southeast Asians. Other companies based in the West have a much larger number of European and African samples, so if you want to know better I'd recommend something like 23andMe instead.
