Hasimpson88 Hasimpson88 - AA9EDA 祖源分析

Are Zhuang people grouped under Dai people?

My mother's Vietnamese and my father's Nung ethnicity in Vietnam, in China he would be classified as Zhuang. My grandpa confirmed that his family moved from China. When I got my results, I didn't see any Zhuang but I got over 10% under Dai. So I don't know if they are the same people. Also it also showed I'm over 70% Chinese. I don't know if Vietnamese DNA and Southern Chinese DNA are similar, or if my paternal side wasn't pure Zhuang. 
Is there any Zhuang person who did the test and had it classified as Dai? 
I am not able to write or read in China :(
2018-01-08 • IP属地美国
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8 个回复

If in this case, I would recommend you to analyze the result via other professional database(dnaland, 23andmr,etc).

This is just a small company based in Shenzhen rather than an advanced institution, you can’t fully believe in their results cuz there are plenty mistakes reported.
First you should make sure they are PURE Zhuang people, or you will be probably claimed Chinese (Han) ancestry. Then Dai is Thai-Chinese, they speak same language just different accents/dialects. P.s. since your fr
First you should make sure they are PURE Zhuang people, or you will be probably claimed Chinese (Han) ancestry. Then Dai is Thai-Chinese, they speak same language just different accents/dialects. P.s. since your paternal side is from China, I highly recommended you to test your father/grandfather’s DNA, they are very likely Han people (Hoa, Sán Dìu, Ngái in Vetnam are Han).
Hasimpson88 - AA9EDA
Thank you all for the answers. 
I had mostly southern Chinese, then Dai, and a little bit of other gashan, Hmong, and only ~6% Kinh (Vietnamese), no Korean, Japanese or Mongolian.
I had my test on 23andme first and the results only showed I’m 40.6% Chinese and ~50% Southeast Asian without breaking it down into smaller groups.  My father and my grandpa had passed away, so I’m trying to find out about my roots as I didn’t really listen and contain what my grandpa had told me. 
I’m not sure if they were pure Zhuang, I visited Guangxi when I was 15 and many people would come up and speak Chinese to me so I guess I didn’t look too different from everyone else. 
As far as I am aware, there is no 'Zhuang' in wegene as a seperate group, due to the difficulty of seperating them from the Dais( They are both Tai–Kadai) or the Hans(Due to the mixture).
There are many Zhuangs or Guangxi Hans who have done wegene test and I remember them being the most south and west among Chinese populations(something like 50% Southern Han and 50% SEA - I am pulling numbers out of my vague memory). Wegene groups almost all officially recognized ethnicities in China under 'Chinese/Zhonghua Minzu' category including Ughurs, Mogolians etc, so you should look into the subgroup breakdowns and take the 'Chinese' percentage with a grain of salt, especially if you are southeast asian - southern Chinese are very southeast asian genetically and obviously wegene will tend to put most of them under Chinese category.
I remember wegene staff has explained this once, but I can't figure out how to search for discussions at the moment...
Some of the answers are Chinese people but not Han people, you should have your own judgment.
Hasimpson88 - AA9EDA
Thanks. I guess it’s not that easy to separate northern Vietnamese and southern Chinese dna. Until there’s more information available scientifically, I’m content with Zhuang being a part of who I am. 
Come and get a WeGene report, it's worth it. 
